gregor mendel

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gregor mendelgregor mendel


Augustinian monk and botanist whose experiments in breeding garden peas led to his eventual recognition as founder of the science of genetics (1822-1884)
Synonym: Mendel Johann Mendel


  1. Every high school biology student learns of Gregor Mendel and his classic studies of inheritance .


  2. The major breakthrough came from the careful work of Austrian monk and naturalist Gregor Mendel .


  3. Gregor Mendel discovered the roots of genetics and was promptly ignored by the science community as a whole .


  4. Of or relating to Gregor Mendel or in accord with Mendel 's laws .


  5. Historians of science have long known that Gregor Mendel , the19th century Augustinian monk who discovered how genetic traits are inherited , 'fudged'some of his data .


  6. " From his studies in the late 19th century , Gregor Mendel derived certain Basic concepts of heredity , which eventually became the foundation for the modern science of genetics . "


  7. ( genetics ) one of two principles of heredity formulated by Gregor Mendel on the basis of his experiments with plants ; the principles were limited and modified by subsequent genetic research .
